Starting is simple
A story about the birth of an obsession

We have loved dogs since our earliest childhood. We have owned several breeds, have wide experience with dog training and have made many trips to Great Britain where we met with prominent breeders. During the 1980s W. D. encountered whippets for the first time and fell in love with these wonderful, elegant and charming hounds. Soon he became a proud owner and co-owner of two successful whippets, Faible and Fergie vom Kleinen Berg. (Later Mr. Langer became the owner of them both.)
Life is what happens to you while you are making plans. W. D. bred Borzois and Scottish Deerhounds. Living in a new close partnership with J. B., whippets returned to their life and became a passion.
The first and most important bitches were D’ont Say Good Bye of Baskerville followed by Forever Blue Brigit Bardot. We kept Adalberta of Gentle Mind from our A-litter and Bicester of Gentle Mind from our B-litter. Both became successful show dogs. With the help of S. & H. Oschinski we got from Denmark Whipcat Blue Velvet. She had two wonderful litters; two of her daughters are still living in our kennel. With the arrival of the E-litter(Edward of Gentle Mind) our second generation was established. We are happy about the import of Sobresalto over the Top (from Italy). Meanwhile we live happily with 12 whippets - an addictive breed, that’s for sure.