Right in the middle

Dog breeding is always a juggling act, a struggle to secure not only the breed standard, but also to breed healthy dogs with steady temperaments.Though whippets are on the whole free of any special illnesses of health or temperament, it is our intention actively to improve the breed, and not to allow quality to succumb to quantity. A truly dedicated breeder tries to combine the best aspects of the breed – sporting, temperament and conformation.
Our thanks for cooperation and competition of Annerose und Uwe Mehnert (Windmeister's), Susanne und Hajo Oschinski (Whipcat), Thomas Münch und Reinhard Seim (Flic Flac) und Makus Langer (Forever Blue). In addition in gratitude for the imported male, "Fellini" (Sobresalto Offer the Top) Annalisa Rovani und Arnoldo Cotuno (Sobresalto),2003, plus to all breeder who show and breed Gentle Mind Whippets. Not least, our thanks to all those whom we have turned into dedicated whippet lovers.